Zhejiang's first offline self-pickup center for cross-border imports opened


Zhejiang's first offline self-pickup center for cross-border imports opened

  Today, the first cross-border imported online shopping self-pickup center in Zhejiang Province started operation in the imported commodity market in Ningbo Free Trade Zone.


  It is reported that the self-pickup center is located on the third floor of the imported commodity market in Ningbo Free Trade Zone. The first phase covers an area of 3,000 square meters. The products on display are all traceable and authentic, directly sourced from overseas, including hot products such as beauty and personal care, nutrition and health care, daily necessities, and maternal and child products from all over the world.

  Ningshing Ubay, a leading local cross-border e-commerce company in Ningbo, has opened in advance, and Red Book, a well-known e-commerce company, is also actively preparing and will settle in very soon.


  "Buy and pick up simultaneously, global synchronization" is the most remarkable feature of the self-pickup center. The so-called "buy and pick up simultaneously" is a new "online shopping bonded + offline pick up" Cross-border e-commerce operation supervision model innovatively launched by Ningbo Free Trade Zone Customs, supported by the business of Ningbo Cross-border E-commerce Comprehensive Experimental Zone and Ningbo Import Commodity Center. In the self-pickup center, through the integrated supervision of "examination, inspection and release" by the customs, the one-stop supervision and operation of "storage, exhibition and sale" of cross-border commodities is realized.




  In the self-pickup center, consumers can not only realize experiential shopping, but also enjoy the price advantage of cross-border online shopping. They can place an order by scanning the QR code, and after online payment, they can directly pick up their favorite products after waiting a few minutes. This realizes the global synchronization of quality life.

  Why can Ningbo still do offline self-pickup for cross-border online shopping?

  According to the requirements of "Shangcaifa [2018] No. 486 Notice of the Development and Reform Commission of the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Finance, the General Administration of Customs, the State Administration of Taxation, and the General Administration of Market Supervision on Improving the Supervision of Cross-Border E-commerce Retail Imports": "In principle, bonded online shopping imported goods outside the special customs supervision area to carry out the "online shopping bonded + offline self-pickup" model is not allowed."

  The main reason is that this self-pickup center is located in the Ningbo Free Trade Zone Import Commodity Market, in the Ningbo Bonded East Zone. It belongs to the special customs supervision area and does not conflict with Document No. 486. We can look at some basic conditions of the imported commodity market in Ningbo Free Trade Zone:

  Introduction of Ningbo Import Commodity Center

  Ningbo Free Trade Zone Imported Commodity Market

  In 2009, Ningbo Free Trade Zone Imported Commodity Market was established, located in Ningbo Bonded East Zone, covering an area of 120,000 square meters. The trading commodities are mainly imported wines, bringing together more than 3,000 original bottled imported wines with high cost-effective from 27 countries and regions in the world. Currently there are nearly 350 exhibition hall companies.

  Ningbo Imported Commodity Exhibition and Trading Center

  In March 2013, Ningbo Free Trade Zone Management Committee, Yinzhou District People's Government, and Ningbo Ningshing Group jointly built the Ningbo Import Commodity Exhibition and Trading Center. The import center is located in Hall 9, Hall 10, and Hall 11 B of Ningbo International Convention and Exhibition Center, with an area of 180,000 square meters, of which the 1-3 floors of Hall 9 are for imported food, imported daily necessities and special commodities from Central and Eastern European countries; 1-5 Floor of Hall 10 are exhibition areas for imported clothing, luggage, personal care and cosmetics, home accessories, and stationery.

  The two areas of the import center and the bonded area market are linked together, collectively referred to as the Ningbo Import Commodity Center, which implements the "front store + back warehouse" operation mode, forming two types of exhibition and sales platforms, online e-commerce and offline entities, and two types of retail business and wholesale business. It has a diversified business structure with concurrent operations, and has gradually developed into a Ningbo import commodity center integrating display office, warehousing logistics, and training culture, which is an extension of the free trade zone's functions.

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